

Tuesday, 7 May, 2019
我很高兴发言支持建立社会与经济融合工作组。 一个多元的健康的本地经济,意味着人们可以有更多的机会过上充实而有意义的生活。 找到一份工作可以为刚搬到云登市生活的个人和家庭带来重大改变。 使云登市成为世界级的城市,我们需要在这方面做更多的工作。该工作组的成立是朝这个方向迈出的一大步。 通过就业或创立企业,从而成为充满活力的当地经济的一部分,也有助于促进社区和谐和社会凝聚力。人们通过工作所建立的联系,也常常有助于改善人们社区生活其他方面的成功。 我认为,各级政府以及企业和社区,都可以为包容性经济增长新周期创造机会、发挥作用。 该工作组的建立代表了一种共同努力、创造变革的新创新。...



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  • 2020 Council wrote to Minister for Education regarding Williams Landing school

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  • 2020 Support Schools4Wyndham campaign

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  • 2020 Support local community event

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  • 2020 Thanks to our local firefighters for their great contribution for fighting the bush fire late last year

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  • 2020 Learning City portfolio meeting

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  • 2020 Future Focused Economy portfolio meeting

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  • 2020 Australian Day citizenship ceremony

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  • 2019 Support youth development program

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  • 2019 Support Western United FC

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  • 2019 Support local community sports event

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  • 2019 Support local community sports event

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  • 2019 Support local community sports event

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  • 2019 Support local residents' campaign for new bus routes

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  • 2019 Great to see local park opened to the residents

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  • 2019 Williams Landing sports pavilion officially opened

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  • 2019 Support local WynBus project. Thanks to our passionate local residents.

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  • 2019 Supporting local business event

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  • 2019 Wyndham chess tournament

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  • 2019 Wyndham's first-ever Smart City Strategy won award

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  • 2019 Woolworths Fresh Distribution Centre start construction

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  • 2019 Supporting local community on Williams Landing school issue

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  • 2019 Wyndham started testing Smart BBQ in parks

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  • 2019 Supporting local sports clubs

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  • 2019 State government announced Hoppers Crossing Level crossing will be removed by 2022

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