
Wednesday, 23 May, 2018
安亚伦, 云登市, 市议员



云登市因其智能垃圾箱计划而获得认可,智慧城市部主席安亚伦(Aaron An)议员表示,这一举措所带来的效果令人印象深刻。

“自从一年前在Werribee和Point Cook的街道上安装32个智能垃圾箱以来,市政府已经减少了386,000升的垃圾填埋,”安议员说,“这很好的展现了,我们表明跳出原有的局限,使用新技术来解决一些旧问题,并且带来一些真正的改变。”

“我们首先在2017年5月安装了一些智能垃圾箱,目标是让云登市更加高效和环保。这些垃圾桶可以容纳600升垃圾 - 比普通垃圾箱高出五倍。在顶部装有太阳能电池板,垃圾桶自动压碎废物,压缩它,因此它们可以容纳比一般垃圾箱更多的东西。“

“智能垃圾箱甚至可以在垃圾快装满的时候自动通知市政府的工作人员来进行清理,是工作效率提高了80%。我们屡获殊荣的CityLens项目向用户以增强现实方式展现了我们城市的未来,对于这些环保垃圾箱,云登市在利用新兴技术解决日常问题和改善居民生活方面处于领先地位。 ”


  • 2017, Wyndham Tech School construction start

    2017, Wyndham Tech School construction start

  • 2017, Support local business

    2017, Support local business

  • 2017, Support community event

    2017, Support community event

  • 2017, Support community events

    2017, Support community events

  • 2017, Target HQ construction started.

    2017, Target HQ construction started.

  • 2017 Wyndham project won the National Winner for Excellence in Local Government award.

    2017 Wyndham project won the National Winner for Excellence in Local Government award.

  • 2017, Great to support the completion of the Greening the Pipeline pilot park.

    2017, Great to support the completion of the Greening the Pipeline pilot park.

  • 2017, Point Cook Community Learning Centre extension announcement.

    2017, Point Cook Community Learning Centre extension announcement.

  • 2017, Supporting Wyndham Sports Fest - Youth Cup

    2017, Supporting Wyndham Sports Fest - Youth Cup

  • 2017, supporting Western Chances event

    2017, supporting Western Chances event

  • 2017, supporting VicPolice, Wyndham needs more police.

    2017, supporting VicPolice, Wyndham needs more police.

  • 2017, speak to support the community to against the Youth Detention Centre in Werribee South

    2017, speak to support the community to against the Youth Detention Centre in Werribee South

  • 2017, Point Cook Alamanda estate Pirate Ship park (Bayview Park) reopen

    2017, Point Cook Alamanda estate Pirate Ship park (Bayview Park) reopen

  • 2016, great o support a fantastic music event in Saltwater Coast

    2016, great o support a fantastic music event in Saltwater Coast

  • 2016, discussed community issues with the audience at a radio station.

    2016, discussed community issues with the audience at a radio station.

  • 2016, it was a great experience to participate as a committee member of council's first Cultural Diversity portfolio.

    2016, it was a great experience to participate as a committee member of council's first Cultural Diversity portfolio.

  • 2016, meeting at UniMelb after work with passionate people across Victoria to discuss school issues.

    2016, meeting at UniMelb after work with passionate people across Victoria to discuss school issues.

  • 2016 Providing research evidence to council on the school shortage issue

    2016 Providing research evidence to council on the school shortage issue

  • 2016, at Williams Landing station, discussing with local bus drivers regarding transport issues.

    2016, at Williams Landing station, discussing with local bus drivers regarding transport issues.

  • 2016, at the Multicultural Entrepreneur Awards

    2016, at the Multicultural Entrepreneur Awards

  • 2015, Community Panel Workshop. Give feedback to council.

    2015, Community Panel Workshop. Give feedback to council.

  • 2015, help organised community BBQ.

    2015, help organised community BBQ.

  • 2015, community dinner and consultation session at council.

    2015, community dinner and consultation session at council.

  • 2014, organized the first Chinese community meeting in Point Cook Community Learning Centre, supported by councillor and council officer.

    2014, organized the first Chinese community meeting in Point Cook Community Learning Centre, supported by councillor and council officer.

  • 2014, did city plan and annual budget submission presentation in council chamber as a resident

    2014, did city plan and annual budget submission presentation in council chamber as a resident
