
Tuesday, 3 December, 2019


每当去到一个新地方时,我都会想去看一看那里的海岸线。 我们正在制定的这个《沿海和海洋管理计划》草案将帮助我们更好地管理云登市的海岸线。

该计划草案的愿景是连接和增强云登市的海岸线,为居民提供更多的接触方式和乐趣,并促进适当的沿海开发和旅游。 这包括创建相互连接的沿海站点,这些站点将可以更好的支持健康的社区、环境,当地经济发展、开拓旅游目的地。

这份150页的计划草案以州政府的《 2018年海洋和沿海法案》和《 2019年海洋和沿海政策草案》及一系列市政府的相关指南、策略和政策为指导。 我感谢参与该计划草案的市政府工作人员的工作,鼓励居民阅读这份详细的计划草案,并向我们提供宝贵的意见反馈。



  • 2019 Chairing Smart City Portfolio committee meeting

    2019 Chairing Smart City Portfolio committee meeting

  • 2019 More investment, more local jobs

    2019 More investment, more local jobs

  • 2019 Supporting Children and Young Family

    2019 Supporting Children and Young Family

  • 2019 Truganina Dohertys Creek P-9 College start class

    2019 Truganina Dohertys Creek P-9 College start class

  • 2019 Building Blocks Program is a great community development initiative started by council. Both Walter and myself participated in this great program.

    2019 Building Blocks Program is a great community development initiative started by council. Both Walter and myself participated in this great program.

  • 2019 Discuss local community issues with local residents.

    2019 Discuss local community issues with local residents.

  • 2018 Avalon Airport International Terminal completed

    2018 Avalon Airport International Terminal completed

  • 2018 Sanctuary Lakes Christmas Carols. Thanks to all the organisers and volunteers.

    2018 Sanctuary Lakes Christmas Carols. Thanks to all the organisers and volunteers.

  • 2018 Sanctuary Lakes Christmas Carols. Thanks to all the organisers and volunteers.

    2018 Sanctuary Lakes Christmas Carols. Thanks to all the organisers and volunteers.

  • 2018 Supporting local community event

    2018 Supporting local community event

  • 2018 Speaking at Wyndham Tech School. I am a strong supporter for better education in the west.

    2018 Speaking at Wyndham Tech School. I am a strong supporter for better education in the west.

  • 2018 Supporting young entrepreneurs

    2018 Supporting young entrepreneurs

  • 2018, Wyndham chess tournaments

    2018, Wyndham chess tournaments

  • 2018, Truganina East Integrated Learning Centre construction start

    2018, Truganina East Integrated Learning Centre construction start

  • 2018, Young Scientist of Wyndham Contest

    2018, Young Scientist of Wyndham Contest

  • 2018, GovHack Wyndham

    2018, GovHack Wyndham

  • 2018, Wyndham Learning Festival

    2018, Wyndham Learning Festival

  • 2018, More investment, more local jobs

    2018, More investment, more local jobs

  • 2018, Supporting Western United for a new A-League license

    2018, Supporting Western United for a new A-League license

  • 2018, Chairing Smart City Portfolio committee meeting

    2018, Chairing Smart City Portfolio committee meeting

  • 2018, Support Avalon to become Victoria's second International Airport.

    2018, Support Avalon to become Victoria's second International Airport.

  • 2018, Williams Landing sports pavilion construction start

    2018, Williams Landing sports pavilion construction start

  • 2017 Wyndham Learning City Portfolio Meeting

    2017 Wyndham Learning City Portfolio Meeting

  • Dec 2017, it's great the state government announced the Growing Suburbs Fund. We still need more investment in infrastructure to catch up with the fast growing population.

    Dec 2017, it's great the state government announced the Growing Suburbs Fund. We still need more investment in infrastructure to catch up with the fast growing population.

  • Nov 2017, supporting I Love Kinder campaign to fight for more funding to our kindergarten services.

    Nov 2017, supporting I Love Kinder campaign to fight for more funding to our kindergarten services.

  • Nov 2017, supporting small local businesses

    Nov 2017, supporting small local businesses

  • Sep 2017, team Wyndham working hard on weekend.

    Sep 2017, team Wyndham working hard on weekend.

  • Aug 2017, participate in community tree planting event.

    Aug 2017, participate in community tree planting event.

  • July 2017, for the first time GovHack event was officially hosted by council.

    July 2017, for the first time GovHack event was officially hosted by council.

  • 2017, Wyndham Tech School construction start

    2017, Wyndham Tech School construction start
