Social and Economic Inclusion Framework

I support the officer’s recommendation that the Council endorses the draft framework for public exhibition for a period of 4 weeks commencing from tomorrow.
In 2014 Council adopted the Wyndham Multicultural Policy and Action Plan, both Cr Walter Villagonzalo and myself were involved in the development of the policy as portfolio committee members.
It is great to see this Social and Economic Inclusion Framework builds on that Wyndham multicultural policy and seeks to continue to position Wyndham’s multicultural identity as a source of pride.
Council has been doing a range of work over the past 6 weeks to support the city’s resilience in social and economic terms and this is another example of our commitment to being proactive in planning for the social and economic future of our city.
As the Portfolio Holder for Smart City, I have always been a strong advocate for how technology can be used to support greater connectedness across our community. We have seen the benefits of using technology in response to COVID19 and believe there is more scope in using technology to connect our community.
This framework emphasises the importance of stronger networks and relationships in our community. A welcoming, more inclusive, and the better-connected community does not happen on its own and it is the responsibility of all of us to make this a reality.
This framework also emphasizes the benefits of community strengthening approach being applied to our businesses and industry sectors. By prioritising local pathways from education through to employment and putting local jobs for local people at the centre of our practice we can create a Wyndham where people from all backgrounds and all walks of life can find opportunity.
And I encourage our residents to have a look at this draft frame and provide us with your valuable feedbacks. Thanks.