Wyndham City Community Grants Directory - January's Edition
Welcome to the January’s edition of Wyndham City’s Grants Update. In addition to Wyndham City Grants, there are also other grants available to not-for-profit community organisations, groups, clubs or residents. This includes grants for Arts and Culture, Community Services and Volunteering, Disability, Environment, Conservation and Heritage, Health & Wellbeing, Multicultural Grants and Sport and Recreation Grants.
For further information about each grant, please click on the links below:
- Wyndham City Grants
- Wyndham City Grant Workshops
- Non Wyndham City Grants – Arts and Culture
- Non Wyndham City Grants – Children and Family Grants
- Non Wyndham City Grants – Community Services and Volunteers Grants
- Non Wyndham City Grants – Disability Grants
- Non Wyndham City Grants – Environment, Conservation & Heritage Grants
- Non Wyndham City Grants – Health, Education and Wellbeing Grants
- Non Wyndham City Grants – Multicultural Grants
- Non Wyndham City Grants – Sport and Recreation Grants
Neighbourhood Grants
Neighbourhood Grants facilitate local grassroots responses to emerging issues. These small scale projects or events will build positive connections between neighbours, celebrate communities of place or interest and/or creatively enhance local shared spaces. These grants are up to $1,000.
- Opening Date: Ongoing
- Website: Click Here
Community Pathway Scholarship Grants
This grant provides support for emerging professional artists and community champions (leaders/activators/facilitators) to participate in development opportunities, secondary students who need support (applications from schools on behalf of students only), and young sportspeople who are competing or officiating at a national or international event.
- Opening Date: Ongoing
- Website: Click Here
Wyndham City Grants Team held seven Grants Information Sessions and seven Grant Writing Workshops in the past year. These sessions are important to ensure grant applicants understand Wyndham City’s Community Grants Program and to help equip prospective applicants with skills and tips on applying for funding. The next grants training is expected to take place in February 2019 – dates to be advised.
Other Grants (non-council)
The Gordon Darling Foundation Grants support a range of Visual Arts projects Australia-wide. Funding may be provided for catalogues and publications; exhibition development; professional education initiatives; purchase or commission of artworks of unique national/local importance; research projects and symposia. Only groups with DGR status can apply.
Applications close 7 January 2019.
Contemporary Music Touring Program
Supports national touring activity undertaken by Australian musicians performing original contemporary music. It provides travel support of up to $15,000 for artists and their manager for tours in Australia that include performances in regional and remote areas.
Applications close 5 February 2019.
Music Works Grants: Major Funding Round
The Music Works Grants program invests in the development and support of Victoria’s contemporary music artists and music industries. It provides support for projects and programs that will develop and bring dynamism to Victoria’s contemporary music sector, increase employment and build cultural capital.
Applications close 28 February 2019.
The Good Music Neighbours program is part of a ground up approach to support the venues and industry that add so much to our cultural conversation and to provide meaningful support to our iconic live music sector.
Applications close 7 March 2019.
The 10 Year Anniversary of the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Community Arts Grants Program
The 10 Year Anniversary of the 2009 Victorian Bushfire Community Arts Grants fund community led, creative projects which reflect the experience of local communities impacted by the 2009 bushfires in the local government areas eligible for funding.
Applications close 31 January 2019.
Career development Grants for Individuals and Groups
The Career Development Grants for Individuals and Groups support artists to develop skills or improve capacity to build an enduring career in the arts. Grants can support activities such as skills and professional development, mentorships, showcases, residencies and other projects directly related to career development.
Applications close 5 February 2019.
Children and Youth Grants – Jack Brockhoff Foundation
The aim of the Jack Brockhoff Children & Youth Grants Program is to support projects and programs that will have a positive impact on improving outcomes for children and young people, wherever they may live in Victoria, who are at risk or vulnerable.
Applications close 28 February 2019
The IOOF Foundation Grants support disadvantaged families, aged care and disadvantaged children and youth. Only groups with DGR Status can apply.
Applications close 15 January 2019.
Community Services and Volunteers Grants
The RACV Foundation Community Grants support initiatives that:
- Create opportunities for Victorians to engage with their communities and build more meaningful social connections with each other
- Empower Victorians who are vulnerable or disadvantaged to access the people, places and activities that are core to their wellbeing
- Build stronger support networks by connecting those in need with those who have something they can give (eg. time, resources, skills or companionship).
Applications should target transport disadvantaged communities, at risk Victorians seeking safe and affordable housing and/or Victorians who are experiencing isolation from their community due to social, cultural or physical barriers (eg: health, disability or location). Only groups with DGR and TCC Status can apply.
Applications close 10 January 2019
The Bennelong Foundation Grants support organisations and projects with a current focus on two areas: Education, Training & Employment and Community Health and Wellbeing. Target communities include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, people with a refugee background, newly arrived migrants and culturally and linguistically diverse communities and communities/groups experiencing socio-economic disadvantage. Only groups with DGR Status can apply.
Expressions of Interest close 1 February 2019.
The Hear the World Foundation Grants support children to reach their development milestones and realise their full potential in life regardless of their hearing loss. The Foundation supports hearing healthcare services with a special focus on programs for:
- Children
- Their parents and families
- Professional training
- Prevention of hearing loss
Applications close 31 January 2019.
Environment, Conservation & Heritage Grants
The Community Conservation Grants support projects that protect our native species, habitats, landscapes and cultural heritage. Grants are available for field projects and education programs that have a direct outcome for nature conservation in Australia.
Applications close 31 January 2019.
The Coastcare Victorian Community Grants support community organisations to take practical local action to protect and enhance the coastal and near shore environment.
Applications close 20 February 2019.
Health Education and Wellbeing Grants
The EPIC Assist Community Grants help build more accessible, inclusive, and healthier Australian communities.
Applications close 27 February 2019.
Gender Equality Through the Arts Project Grant
VicHealth’s Gender Equality Through the Arts Project Grant will provide funding to Local Governments working in partnership with arts and creative organisations to run gender equality initiatives.
Applications close 8 February 2019.
Top Spin Local Area Marketing Grants
The Top Spin Local Area Marketing Grants spread the reach of the Top Spin initiative to young adults aged 18-29 years in local communities. Top Spin is a competition that asks young Victorians to share their thoughts on booze culture and call out the tactics and spin being peddled by alcohol corporations.
Applications close 18 February 2019.
The AgriFutures Horizon Scholarship is an initiative supporting students enrolled in full time study at an Australian university. Students must be studying an agriculture-related degree OR a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths/ Finance (STEM) with major studies and subject selections that align to agriculture.
Applications open 7 January 2019
Multicultural Community Infrastructure Fund
The Multicultural Community Infrastructure Grants support the building, upgrading and fit out of community infrastructure to support Victoria’s culturally diverse communities to feel connected with their traditional culture and identity as they participate in and contribute to our wider society. Small and large grants are available.
Applications close 22 February 2019.
Emergency: Sporting and Recreational Equipment
Sport and Recreation program helps local sport and recreation clubs and organisations replace essential sports equipment that has been lost or destroyed as a consequence of unpreventable and exceptional events as fire, flood, significant storms, theft or criminal damage.
Applications: Ongoing
The Sporting Club Grants support clubs and sporting organisations to offer more Victorians the opportunity to participate and learn new skills through sport and recreation.
Grants are available across four categories:
- Uniforms or equipment;
- Skill development;
- Club operational capacity; and
- Aboriginal participation.
Applications close 20 January 2019.
The ANZ Tennis Hot Shots Community Grants support the development or renovations of tennis clubs and venues. Promotional merchandise, equipment, signage & expertise are also included in this grant opportunity.
Applications close 28 February 2019.
Recreational fishing grants program - Large Grants
This program provides funding for projects in the following categories:
- Recreational fishing access and facilities
- Recreational fisheries' sustainability and habitat improvement
- Recreational fisheries-related education, information and training
- and recreational fisheries research.
Applications close 28 February 2019
Definitions of Terms
NFP - Not For Profit Organisation
A not-for-profit organisation is an organisation that is not operating for the profit or gain of its individual members, either directly or indirectly.
DGR - Deductible Gift Recipient
A Deductible Gift Recipient is an organisation which is registered to receive income tax deductible gifts and deductible contributions.
TCC - Tax Concession Charity
A Tax Concession Charity is a charity that is endorsed to access a number of tax concessions.
ITEF - Income Tax Exempt Fund
Income Tax Exempt Fund applies to non-charitable funds and is an approval process to access income tax exemption.
Please contact the Australian Taxation Office for more information, to check your organisation's status or to make an application for a status.
Please note: Whilst every effort is made to ensure the information contained in this update is correct, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
Warm regards,
Wyndham Grants Team