Smart City

What is a Smart City
Wyndham is one of the fastest-growing cities in Australia.
With rapid growth comes unique challenges.
Wyndham is experiencing a range of social, economic and environmental opportunities and challenges magnified by its growth. The challenge for our city has never been greater, and we are facing:
- Increasing population;
- Increasing regulatory demands;
- Increasing demands on infrastructure, especially roads and transport systems;
- Growing economic competition;
- Increasing community expectations in areas such as transport, education, health, facilities and local government services;
- Growing expectations for an improved quality of life;
- Changing social, cultural and community needs; and
- Increasing environmental challenges.
We need our city to work better from all these perspectives – for our residents, businesses, and visitors.
Wyndham City is committed to creating and delivering sustainable 'leading edge' smart city solutions that take advantage of new technologies' benefits. We are committed to being innovative in the way we solve problems.
To find out more, please click here.
Smart City portfolio
Aaron initiated the Smart City portfolio at the start of the 2016-2020 Council term; it explores how Wyndham can explore and embrace new and emerging technologies to change how we operate.
The portfolio aims to find new ways to become a more connected community and form partnerships to address issues and planning problems across Wyndham by collecting and analysing data. Over the course of this Council term, the portfolio will be working on a range of projects, including developing Wyndham's first-ever Smart City Strategy.
To find out more, please click here.
Wyndham Smart City works related awards
✓ 2017 National Award for Excellence in Local Government (Overall)
✓ 2017 National Award for Excellence in Local Government - Liveable Australian Cities (Category Winner)
✓ 2017 World Smart City Expo Finalist in Barcelona
✓ 2019 IPWEA Excellence in Innovation Award
✓ 2019 iTnews Benchmark Awards Finalist
✓ 2019 MAV Tech Smart City Award Highly Commended
✓ 2019 Smart City Strategy Award - Smart Cities Council ANZ
✓ 2020 MAV Tech Awards: Smart City Achievement of the Year Finalist
✓ 2020 MAV Tech Awards: Strategy and Planning Achievement of the Year Finalist
Other links
Click here to view Wyndham City Council open data sets on