
According to recent Census data, Wyndham is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Australia. In 2018, Wyndham’s population of 257,028 could almost fill three whole Melbourne Cricket Grounds and in just over twenty years this will be 5 Melbourne Cricket Grounds.
Wyndham has the second youngest population with a medium age of 32, just after the City of Melbourne.
There are approximately 90 babies born each week to a Wyndham mum, equating to around 4 primary school classes.
Wyndham is about 19km from the Melbourne CBD and is in the middle of Victoria's two International airports: Tullamarine Airport and Avalon Airport. Depending on traffic, you can drive to these two airports within 20 to 40 minutes.
Situated in one of Australia’s most productive regions, Wyndham is adjacent to the municipalities of Greater Geelong, Melton, Brimbank, Hobsons Bay and Moorabool.
- Wyndham's population is predicted to reach nearly 500,000 residents by 2041.
- In 2018, the dominant age structure for persons in Wyndham City was between 30 and 34 years (10.2%).
- By 2040, the dominant age group will be young children aged 0-4 years (8.7%).
- The 65+ age group is forecast to increase by approximately 40,000 by 2040, while the age group of 0-11 will increase by 40,000 people as well over the same period.
Multicultural Community:
- Almost 50% of Wyndham residents were born overseas? Approximately 40% of residents speak another language (as well as English) and almost 6% speak another language only.
Wyndham is home to:
- The racetrack where $700,000 of international horses are quarantined during the Melbourne Spring Carnival.
- 4 University campuses – Deakin University, University of Melbourne, RMIT and Victoria University
- 49 schools, of which 30 are Government schools, 14 are Catholic schools and 5 are Independent schools.
- 17,352 businesses
- Approximately 32.5km of walking trails and bike paths
- 27.4 km of coast
The first ever:
- Australian producer to breed a golden barramundi – considered to be a strain with high market appeal
- The biggest Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community among all municipalities in Greater Melbourne
- The fastest growth in the country over the last 15 years (166.6% growth between 2003 and 2018)
And Victoria’s second international airport is on our doorstep at Avalon.
You can find out more brief information about Wyndham here or more detailed information here.