Public and Alternative Transport & Roads

We need better public transport.
Currently, many residents drive to other municipalities to work.
During weekdays, public car parks are already full at around 7am around train stations like Williams Landing and Tarneit.
We need to plan public facilities and services where public transport is a good option, encouraging residents to use public transport. Buses running at least every 20 minutes during peak hours, in my opinion, is not good enough.
A Smart City should be a 20 or 30 mins city so that residents can access basic services using public transport. During peak hours, we need higher frequency buses and more routes and stops that cover more areas.
As well as more buses, better train station parking and good access to facilities, I support:
- More reliable public transport.
- Bus transit lanes on some major roads.
- More bus stops and more frequent services.
- More train services during peak hours and on weekends to meet the needs of the rapidly growing communities in Melbourne's west.
- Dedicated bus express lanes to the CBD and main train stations, and
- A feasibility study for tram networks within Wyndham.
- Improve Forsyth Road
- Improve Ashcroft Ave
- Investigate ways for solving road congestion on Point Cook Road, and solutions.
- Traffic lights and better signage at main intersections (e.g. Princes Highway Palmers Road exit, and at Point Cook and Sneydes Roads.
- Improve Sayers Road.
- Improve Princes Highway, Palmers Road exit through duplication, or a redesign of the intersection.
- Improve road signage.
- Remove the level crossing at Hoppers Crossing Train Station.
During the 2016-2020 council term:
Motion adopted to improve land use around train stations. Already advocating for more bus routes.
- Bike:
- Adopted Active Transport Strategy (formerly Wyndham Pedestrian and Cycle Strategy)
- Started Bicycle Plan - Implementation
- Already working on more bike cages at Williams Landing train station
- Most State Government’s Western Road Upgrade works include bike paths
- Parking:
- Changed long term parking to short term drop off bays during peak hours around Williams Landing train station
- Motion adopted to support multistorey car parking around train stations
- Pedestrian:
- Started Footpath Construction Program
- Started Shared Paths in Reserves Project
- Skeleton Creek Bridges & Talliver Terrace Park & Interpretive Trail
- Roads:
- Completed $7.5m Forsyth Rd Duplication - Sayers to Old Geelong Rd
- Completed $4m Hacketts Rd Upgrade
- Completed Dohertys Rd Duplication
- Started Road Reconstruction Forward Design Program
- Starting Ashcroft Ave Duplication (Design Work)
- Advocating for Sayers Rd Duplication
- Committed $3m for Point Cook Rd and Sneydes Rd intersection signalisation
- State government duplicated Palmers Rd
- State government committed to remove the level crossing at Hoppers Crossing Train Station before 2022.
- Other Related Policies
- Adopted Wyndham Coastal and Marine Management Plan