Council Efficiency & Innovation

- Improve Council's productivity by adopting new & high technology.
- Improve Council's communication with the community.
- Better budget spending transparency. Better explanation and presentation of the budget allocation through easy to understand reports.
During the 2016-2020 council term:
- Initiated one of the first Smart City portfolios in local government in Australia
- Adopted Wyndham's first-ever award-winning Smart City Strategy
- Smart City project WynLens won the 2017 National Award for Excellence in Local Government.
- Other Smart City projects, eg: IoT Network, Smart Parks, Smart Bins, Smart Car Parking, Smart Sports Field Planning, Monitoring & Management, Transport Data Analytics
- Citizen dashboards: Capital Works Dashboard, Tree Plant Dashboard, myWyndham Services Dashboard, Report an Issue Web App
- Started building a more efficient councillor request dashboard
- IT & ERP System Upgrade: $6m invested in the technology to improve productivity and to support our organisation to be flexible & responsible in times of uncertainty to ensure that services continue to be delivered uninterrupted in 2020/21 alone
- Lighting the West: To date, the Council has invested $8.4 million in this program, with the Federal Government contributing $1.5 million. Over the 2019/20 financial year, Council upgraded 1500 streetlights across the municipality. The program will see:
- Council reducing greenhouse gas output by 2,600 tonnes annually.
- Saving Council approximately $13 million over 20 years.
- Improving community safety
- First time Council officially supported GovHack event at Wyndham in 2017
- The first-ever Wynnovation started in 2018 and had the first-ever pitch competition in early 2020
- Started the Large Scale Solar project
- Motion adopted to improve land use around train stations
- Established Small Business Innovation & Entrepreneurship Fund
- Innovate to Excelerate Business Growth Program at Wyndham