Planning Permit Application WYP11645/19 - Staged buildings & works for mixed use building (accommodation, office, retail, place of assembly) - 2 Overton Road Williams Landing (Williams Landing Old Masters Site)

Council has received a planning permit application for the staged development of a mixed-use building for the purposes of accommodation, office, retail, and place of assembly. The application also seeks approval for the use of the land for a childcare centre and a reduction in the car parking requirements of Clause 52.06 for the land at 2 Overton Road Williams Landing. (Williams Landing Old Masters Site)
The site is zoned Priority Development Zone – Schedule 1 and is not affected by any planning overlays.
The site is 3.1ha in area and is currently vacant. The site was previously home to a large format hardware store (Masters) which has since been demolished. The subject site forms part of the Williams Landing Activity Centre precinct area and the wider Laverton Employment Node and Major Activity Centre area. The site has primary frontage to Overton Road and is bound by the Palmers Road (overpass) to the west and Woodbury Street to the south and east. The Williams Landing train station and shopping centre are located on the west side of Palmers Road. Parking associated with the train station is located south of the site.
The application is exempt from public notice under the provisions of the Priority Development Zone.
It is considered that the proposal is appropriate for the site and the report recommends that Council resolve to issue a Planning Permit subject to conditions.
That Council resolves to issue a Planning Permit for the Staged Buildings and Works for Mixed Use Building, use of the land for Child Care Centre and a reduction in car parking requirements at 2 Overton Road Williams Landing subject to the following conditions:
(Read condition details on council meeting minutes)
The DIVISION was taken and the names of the Councillors voting FOR and AGAINST were as follows:
Councillor Aaron An |
Councillor Tony Hooper |
Total (8) | Total (1) |
Following the Division the motion was confirmed as CARRIED.