Williams Landing Old Masters Site

Planning Permit Application WYP11645/19 - 2 Overton Road Williams Landing (Williams Landing Old Masters Site)

Tuesday, 17 December, 2019
Williams Landing Old Masters Site
Williams Landing Old Masters Site
Williams Landing Old Masters Site
Tonight, I’m speaking in favour of the officer’s recommendations to support this planning application. As a resident who had lived in Melb CBD and Docklands for 10 years and has been researching this fast-growing area since 2007 and has been living in the suburb of Williams Landing since 2012. I...

Planning Permit Application WYP11645/19 - Staged buildings & works for mixed use building (accommodation, office, retail, place of assembly) - 2 Overton Road Williams Landing (Williams Landing Old Masters Site)

Tuesday, 17 December, 2019
SUMMARY Council has received a planning permit application for the staged development of a mixed-use building for the purposes of accommodation, office, retail, and place of assembly. The application also seeks approval for the use of the land for a childcare centre and a reduction in the car...


Photo Gallery

  • 2018 Target HQ complete. More jobs, better economy.

    2018 Target HQ complete. More jobs, better economy.

  • 2020 Ordinary meeting in council chamber with social distance

    2020 Ordinary meeting in council chamber with social distance

  • 2020 Avalon Airport had the first direct flight from Bali

    2020 Avalon Airport had the first direct flight from Bali

  • 2020 Discussing local community issues with local residents

    2020 Discussing local community issues with local residents

  • 2020 Council wrote to Minister for Education regarding Williams Landing school

    2020 Council wrote to Minister for Education regarding Williams Landing school

  • 2020 We need more canopy trees to increase our canopy covering

    2020 We need more canopy trees to increase our canopy covering

  • 2020 Council had its first-ever outdoor ordinary council meeting due to COVID-19

    2020 Council had its first-ever outdoor ordinary council meeting due to COVID-19

  • 2020 Support Schools4Wyndham campaign

    2020 Support Schools4Wyndham campaign

  • 2020 Support local community event

    2020 Support local community event

  • 2020 Thanks to our local firefighters for their great contribution for fighting the bush fire late last year

    2020 Thanks to our local firefighters for their great contribution for fighting the bush fire late last year

  • 2020 Learning City portfolio meeting

    2020 Learning City portfolio meeting

  • 2020 Future Focused Economy portfolio meeting

    2020 Future Focused Economy portfolio meeting

  • 2020 Australian Day citizenship ceremony

    2020 Australian Day citizenship ceremony

  • 2019 Support youth development program

    2019 Support youth development program

  • 2019 Support Western United FC

    2019 Support Western United FC

  • 2019 Support local community sports event

    2019 Support local community sports event

  • 2019 Support local community sports event

    2019 Support local community sports event

  • 2019 Support local community sports event

    2019 Support local community sports event

  • 2019 Support local residents' campaign for new bus routes

    2019 Support local residents' campaign for new bus routes

  • 2019 Great to see local park opened to the residents

    2019 Great to see local park opened to the residents

  • 2019 Williams Landing sports pavilion officially opened

    2019 Williams Landing sports pavilion officially opened

  • 2019 Support local WynBus project. Thanks to our passionate local residents.

    2019 Support local WynBus project. Thanks to our passionate local residents.

  • 2019 Supporting local business event

    2019 Supporting local business event

  • 2019 Wyndham chess tournament

    2019 Wyndham chess tournament

  • 2019 Wyndham's first-ever Smart City Strategy won award

    2019 Wyndham's first-ever Smart City Strategy won award

  • 2019 Woolworths Fresh Distribution Centre start construction

    2019 Woolworths Fresh Distribution Centre start construction

  • 2019 Supporting local community on Williams Landing school issue

    2019 Supporting local community on Williams Landing school issue

  • 2019 Wyndham started testing Smart BBQ in parks

    2019 Wyndham started testing Smart BBQ in parks

  • 2019 Supporting local sports clubs

    2019 Supporting local sports clubs

  • 2019 State government announced Hoppers Crossing Level crossing will be removed by 2022

    2019 State government announced Hoppers Crossing Level crossing will be removed by 2022
