Moving Wyndham Into A Modern Future

Wednesday, 26 June, 2019
Wyndham Smart City Strategy cover

Wyndham City Council is looking towards ways of modernising its urban areas to set them up as efficient spaces for residents to enjoy with ease.

At last night’s (25th June) council meeting, the Smart City Strategy was adopted by Council.

The Strategy shows how Council plans to solve city-based challenges such as transport and congestion, our local environment, the use of emerging technology and using smart technology to modernise and improve Council services such as parking, community engagement, waste collection and infrastructure management.

Smart City Portfolio Holder Cr Aaron An said the Strategy will propel the City into a future of data-driven decision making, co-designing with the community, and leading the way in sustainability of the environment and inclusiveness of our community members.

“Our community has strongly indicated they are ready for a modern and dynamic city,” Cr An said.

“Residents have called for a city that is more sustainable and prosperous and this needs to be strongly supported with technology and innovation.”

“We have already started to introduce smart technology to some of council’s facilities with the establishment of Smart Bins, Smart Parking and Smart Barbecues – and this is just the beginning.”

“Smart Cities enhance the liveability and workability of urban areas by making remote working easier and connecting communities through smart technology.”

“Part of our Strategy is to fall into alignment with Plan Melbourne 2017-2050’s principle of 20-minute neighbourhoods, where people can live locally and access most of their everyday needs within a 20-minute walk, cycle or public transport trip from their home.”

“This will be embedded in our Smart City planning and project delivery aiming for local living, local social connection and local employment and education opportunities.”

“Urban areas will be revitalised through the activation of public spaces to make them places to socialise and enjoy our City’s unique environment.”

“Future cities will be greatly impacted by emerging technologies, is important that Wyndham makes use of these innovations to make places more liveable, our streets safer and the transaction of many services more seamless.”

You can read the strategy by heading to

Photo Gallery

  • 2017, Wyndham Tech School construction start

    2017, Wyndham Tech School construction start

  • 2017, Support local business

    2017, Support local business

  • 2017, Support community event

    2017, Support community event

  • 2017, Support community events

    2017, Support community events

  • 2017, Target HQ construction started.

    2017, Target HQ construction started.

  • 2017 Wyndham project won the National Winner for Excellence in Local Government award.

    2017 Wyndham project won the National Winner for Excellence in Local Government award.

  • 2017, Great to support the completion of the Greening the Pipeline pilot park.

    2017, Great to support the completion of the Greening the Pipeline pilot park.

  • 2017, Point Cook Community Learning Centre extension announcement.

    2017, Point Cook Community Learning Centre extension announcement.

  • 2017, Supporting Wyndham Sports Fest - Youth Cup

    2017, Supporting Wyndham Sports Fest - Youth Cup

  • 2017, supporting Western Chances event

    2017, supporting Western Chances event

  • 2017, supporting VicPolice, Wyndham needs more police.

    2017, supporting VicPolice, Wyndham needs more police.

  • 2017, speak to support the community to against the Youth Detention Centre in Werribee South

    2017, speak to support the community to against the Youth Detention Centre in Werribee South

  • 2017, Point Cook Alamanda estate Pirate Ship park (Bayview Park) reopen

    2017, Point Cook Alamanda estate Pirate Ship park (Bayview Park) reopen

  • 2016, great o support a fantastic music event in Saltwater Coast

    2016, great o support a fantastic music event in Saltwater Coast

  • 2016, discussed community issues with the audience at a radio station.

    2016, discussed community issues with the audience at a radio station.

  • 2016, it was a great experience to participate as a committee member of council's first Cultural Diversity portfolio.

    2016, it was a great experience to participate as a committee member of council's first Cultural Diversity portfolio.

  • 2016, meeting at UniMelb after work with passionate people across Victoria to discuss school issues.

    2016, meeting at UniMelb after work with passionate people across Victoria to discuss school issues.

  • 2016 Providing research evidence to council on the school shortage issue

    2016 Providing research evidence to council on the school shortage issue

  • 2016, at Williams Landing station, discussing with local bus drivers regarding transport issues.

    2016, at Williams Landing station, discussing with local bus drivers regarding transport issues.

  • 2016, at the Multicultural Entrepreneur Awards

    2016, at the Multicultural Entrepreneur Awards

  • 2015, Community Panel Workshop. Give feedback to council.

    2015, Community Panel Workshop. Give feedback to council.

  • 2015, help organised community BBQ.

    2015, help organised community BBQ.

  • 2015, community dinner and consultation session at council.

    2015, community dinner and consultation session at council.

  • 2014, organized the first Chinese community meeting in Point Cook Community Learning Centre, supported by councillor and council officer.

    2014, organized the first Chinese community meeting in Point Cook Community Learning Centre, supported by councillor and council officer.

  • 2014, did city plan and annual budget submission presentation in council chamber as a resident

    2014, did city plan and annual budget submission presentation in council chamber as a resident
