Small Business Hub Feasibility Study
The Small Business Feasibility (the study) was undertaken by Council to deliver on Major Initiative # 1 of Wyndham’s Economic Growth Strategy:
Small Business Accelerators: Explore options for the development of a business case for incubators, business accelerators and co-working spaces. This study has been prepared to provide an evidence-based understanding of:
The demand for a coworking / innovation hub capability in Wyndham City.
(i) How a coworking / innovation hub can add value to the prosperity of Wyndham City; and if so in what way?
(ii) What would be the appropriate coworking / innovation model for Wyndham City?
Completion of the study ensures Wyndham City is well progressed in its implementation of building and facilitating the development of the local start-up and small business ecosystem.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s confirmation of the recommendations of the study; most specifically to work towards attracting a private company to invest in and operate a coworking space and for Council to support the operation of an innovation hub.
Attached to this report is the final study document titled: “Wyndham City, Coworking & Innovation Hub Business Opportunity”.
Alignment to Wyndham 2040 & City Plan as it relates to encouraging local employment growth.
Facilitating and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in Wyndham’s business community.
The need for successful partnerships particularly with the private sector.
1. Council confirms the findings of the Small Business Feasibility Study (Wyndham City, Coworking & Innovation Hub Business Opportunity).
2. In delivering on the findings and recommendations of the study, that Council confirms the following key directions:
- Seek to attract a privately funded coworking operator to Wyndham City;
- Support the development of a Council funded Innovation Hub managed by way of the recommended governance model described in the study; and
- Deploy requisite resources to develop Wyndham City’s start-up ecosystem and manage the day to day operations of the innovation hub once the hub is established
1. Council confirms the findings of the Small Business Feasibility Study (Wyndham City, Coworking & Innovation Hub Business Opportunity).
2. In delivering on the findings and recommendations of the study, that Council confirms the following key directions:
- Seek to attract a privately funded coworking operator to Wyndham City;
- Support the development of a Council funded Innovation Hub managed by way of the recommended governance model described in the study; and
- Deploy requisite resources to develop Wyndham City’s start-up ecosystem and manage the day to day operations of the innovation hub once the hub is established