News & Updates
Tuesday, 2 February, 2021
I am proud to receive the medallion for my service from 2016 to 2020. I am honoured to serve the residents of Wyndham as Harrison Ward councillor and Chair of Smart City Portfolio for the past four years. As one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Australia, Wyndham's population surpassed...
New Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping tool is coming
Friday, 11 September, 2020
As Wyndham grows both in terms of population and urban development, it is vital Council has the right tools to service our growing community. That’s why I am proud to report that Council is currently developing new technology to replace our Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping tool. The new...
Wyndham Together supporting local community
Tuesday, 1 September, 2020
It's been a difficult year since the start of this pandemic from the early this year. When the decision was made to close most of Council’s community buildings in March, Wyndham City Council moved quickly to establish new ways of delivering our services. Indeed, within just one week, Council’s...
Technology to support evidence-based decision making
Monday, 24 August, 2020
Council is utilising technology to ensure our sports fields serve our community’s sporting needs. Over the past 12 months Council has started testing revolutionary technology at our sports reserve to acquire crucial data about how the site is being used. This will inform decisions on maintenance...
Off-leash Dog Parks Review
Friday, 17 July, 2020
Many families in our community own dogs, I know how important it is to have a dedicated space where dogs can play, exercise and socialise in a fenced off park. Currently there is no off-leash dog parks in Williams Landing and only one in Point Cook and Truganina. That’s why we will conduct a review...
Sanctuary Lakes Quest Apartments
Thursday, 2 July, 2020
I received email and social media messages from local residents in the last couple of days regarding the use of Quest apartments in Sanctuary Lakes for self-quarantine purposes. I have been advised that council has contacted the franchisee for Sanctuary Lakes Quest apartments and can confirm it is...
Capital Works Delivered in Last Financial Year
Thursday, 2 July, 2020
As our population grows, so does traffic congestion on our roads. That’s why over 2019/20, Council completed the $7.5 million duplication of Forsyth Road between Ashcroft Avenue/Old Geelong Road and Sayers Road, so that drivers would spend less time sitting in traffic. Find out what else we’ve...
Local jobs opportunities at the new Woolworths Fresh Distribution Centre
Wednesday, 1 July, 2020
More local jobs opportunities at the new Woolworths Fresh Distribution Centre in Truganina from Sept 2020. A part of our Social and Economic Inclusion Strategy is to create local employment opportunities for our residents. Information session is tomorrow (2 July) at 9am. Sign up at https://www...
Have your say on Wyndham City's Proposed Annual Plan and Budget for 2020/21
Wednesday, 24 June, 2020
Wyndham City Council’s proposed Annual Plan and Budget for 2020/21 is now open for public comment until 5pm, 22 July 2020. Expressions of interest for making a formal submission to Council are also invited. Each year, Wyndham City Council prepares an Annual Plan and Budget which outlines the...
Wyndham City introduces its first Smart Parks and Precincts
Thursday, 18 June, 2020
Smart technology has been deployed across three Wyndham parks and facilities in an innovative pilot project that aims to provide a better overall experience for residents. Wyndham City has installed smart technology at Wyndham Park in Werribee, Greening the Pipeline Pilot Park in Williams Landing...