Starting and Growing a Business - Small Business Permits

We are committed to making the permit process as easy as possible for new and growing businesses.

Whether you are a new or established business, it’s likely you will need a permit to operate – some businesses may even need more than one permit. This page will help you determine the type of permit you may need.

Wyndham City’s Small Business Liaison Officer can guide you through the process of your Permit Application.  We have now made the process easier for small businesses to gain permits where required by moving to a single application form.

If you would like any further information or assistance in setting up your small business in Wyndham, contact the Economic Development Unit on 9742 0916 or email

Get Ready

Ok, so you have decided to start a business. What type of business are you thinking of running?

Food, health and beauty? Are you starting a new business? Are you buying an existing business?

The Small Business Liaison Officer is also available to help you identify what permits are needed and can set up a pre-application meeting to ensure things are on the right track.

Phone 9742 0916 or email to

It is recommended that you make an appointments as these are given priority. 

Need more information?



Once submitted, your application will be reviewed to see if it needs to

  • be referred to other departments and or authorities
  • if further information is needed, before finalising a decision
  • if advertising is needed to neighbours

Council’s Small Business Liaison Officer will help you through the process and will work with the relevant departments such as Town Planning, Health, Local Laws & Building to make sure your application stays on track.


Request for Information

We will contact you within 15 days from when you pay your fees to request any further information we need to process your application.

This step can be delayed if we don't get all the information we need, that’s why it’s important to make sure you return the information we need as quickly as possible so we can move you to the assessment phase.



Once you send us all the information we need, we’ll then send your application to the relevant referral agencies, advertise your application publicly (if necessary) and assess your application. This step takes three to four weeks on average.



As soon as we have finished our assessment(s), we'll be in touch to confirm our decision.



Once you get all your permits, Council’s Economic Growth Unit can help you grow and develop your business. 

We will add you to our Business Matters in Wyndham e-newsletter and send you links to our online Business Directory and local Business Groups.

We’ll also direct you to any other services you can access to help your business.



Before you start your online application please ensure that you have discussed your business proposal with our Town Planning Dept.  You will not be able to proceed unless you have completed this step.

One final check to make sure you have all the right documentation for the application.

Photo Gallery

  • 2017, Wyndham Tech School construction start

    2017, Wyndham Tech School construction start

  • 2017, Support local business

    2017, Support local business

  • 2017, Support community event

    2017, Support community event

  • 2017, Support community events

    2017, Support community events

  • 2017, Target HQ construction started.

    2017, Target HQ construction started.

  • 2017 Wyndham project won the National Winner for Excellence in Local Government award.

    2017 Wyndham project won the National Winner for Excellence in Local Government award.

  • 2017, Great to support the completion of the Greening the Pipeline pilot park.

    2017, Great to support the completion of the Greening the Pipeline pilot park.

  • 2017, Point Cook Community Learning Centre extension announcement.

    2017, Point Cook Community Learning Centre extension announcement.

  • 2017, Supporting Wyndham Sports Fest - Youth Cup

    2017, Supporting Wyndham Sports Fest - Youth Cup

  • 2017, supporting Western Chances event

    2017, supporting Western Chances event

  • 2017, supporting VicPolice, Wyndham needs more police.

    2017, supporting VicPolice, Wyndham needs more police.

  • 2017, speak to support the community to against the Youth Detention Centre in Werribee South

    2017, speak to support the community to against the Youth Detention Centre in Werribee South

  • 2017, Point Cook Alamanda estate Pirate Ship park (Bayview Park) reopen

    2017, Point Cook Alamanda estate Pirate Ship park (Bayview Park) reopen

  • 2016, great o support a fantastic music event in Saltwater Coast

    2016, great o support a fantastic music event in Saltwater Coast

  • 2016, discussed community issues with the audience at a radio station.

    2016, discussed community issues with the audience at a radio station.

  • 2016, it was a great experience to participate as a committee member of council's first Cultural Diversity portfolio.

    2016, it was a great experience to participate as a committee member of council's first Cultural Diversity portfolio.

  • 2016, meeting at UniMelb after work with passionate people across Victoria to discuss school issues.

    2016, meeting at UniMelb after work with passionate people across Victoria to discuss school issues.

  • 2016 Providing research evidence to council on the school shortage issue

    2016 Providing research evidence to council on the school shortage issue

  • 2016, at Williams Landing station, discussing with local bus drivers regarding transport issues.

    2016, at Williams Landing station, discussing with local bus drivers regarding transport issues.

  • 2016, at the Multicultural Entrepreneur Awards

    2016, at the Multicultural Entrepreneur Awards

  • 2015, Community Panel Workshop. Give feedback to council.

    2015, Community Panel Workshop. Give feedback to council.

  • 2015, help organised community BBQ.

    2015, help organised community BBQ.

  • 2015, community dinner and consultation session at council.

    2015, community dinner and consultation session at council.

  • 2014, organized the first Chinese community meeting in Point Cook Community Learning Centre, supported by councillor and council officer.

    2014, organized the first Chinese community meeting in Point Cook Community Learning Centre, supported by councillor and council officer.

  • 2014, did city plan and annual budget submission presentation in council chamber as a resident

    2014, did city plan and annual budget submission presentation in council chamber as a resident
