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Draft Wyndham Library Service Strategy 2018-2040

I would like to support the recommendation to put the Draft Policy on public exhibition so that we invite feedback from our community.
As has been mentioned recently by our Learning City Portfolio Holder Councillor Josh Gilligan, a total of 1,035,131 people visited one of Wyndham’s five libraries during 2016/17 – an increase of more than 18 per cent over the previous year.
So this strategy could not come at a better time.
While libraries are not directly part of my Smart City Portfolio, there are clear and strong links with new and emerging technologies, as well as promoting a knowledge-based economy.
There are also links with the types of technology and delivery means we use in our libraries which I will say a bit more about in a moment.
But in case it is lost in what is essentially a contracting issue for a later agenda item, I did want to reinforce the fact that Council is strongly focussed on providing a wide range of library stock through ordering, purchasing and delivery processes that utilise the latest technology and efficient and effective logistics.
As Council’s Smart City Portfolio Holder I wanted to draw particular attention to the following sections of the Draft Strategy:
- First, what’s happening in public libraries
- Second, Library infrastructure to respond to growth
- Third, New service delivery models, and
- Fourth, Technology access for all.
Given the importance of this service and our constant high rates of community satisfaction with these services, we have to be focussed on future needs and population growth.
I believe the 4 sections I have highlighted focus us strongly on a future library service that:
- embraces new technologies both for Council and users
- uses new ways of providing services
- are more flexible through the provision of services through our website, apps and digital technologies, and
- delivers services via outreach and in more community settings, not just our library locations
I am also pleased to see future Learning and Cultural Programs get a strong mention in the Draft Library Strategy.
This recognises that our library service has the capacity to bring people together, improve literacy and build community connections particularly for people of different cultural groups.
Given our recent ward as the winner of the 2017 National Award for Excellence in Local Government for our Wynlens Mixed Reality project, I am glad to see us remaining focussed on new technologies.
The ambitious ways we are proposing to focus on new technologies and support for library users are outlined on pages 21 and 22 of the draft strategy and I am proud we are really pushing the boundaries.
Thank you for the opportunity to support this recommendation.