Presentation of National Award for Innovation to Create More Liveable Australian Cities to Councillors

It gives me great pleasure to be able to table one of the awards we received in Canberra last week and that is the 2017 National Award for Innovation to Create More Liveable Australian Cities for Wynlens our holographic mixed reality project.
WynLens is a holographic model of the city, and it enables us to provide a leading-edge method of community engagement and transform how we present and use city-data.
We know that two-dimensional maps and blueprints do not always provide the insight that the community, stakeholders and city investors require.
Developers can see all that the city has to offer, we can plan better, and residents can share their feedback on development and infrastructure proposal.
The ability to immerse our residents, staff, politicians and business leaders into a digital environment to explore and understand our city is game-changing.
This award would not have been possible without staff and Councillors working together and as the Smart Cities Portfolio Holder, I am particularly proud.
I would like to acknowledge the hard work of our Smart City Office team: Dr Adam Mowlam, Natalie Walker and Ben Sinnott. It has been wonderful to see such teamwork and leading-edge thinking by our staff.
It provides a great foundation for the work of the Council as a Smart City and of course for the work of my portfolio committee.
So once again thank you to the staff team for bringing to life some of the aspirations, I know all Councillors and residents share for Wyndham to be a Smart and liveable city.