Western Roads Upgrade - Forsyth Rd and Palmers Rd
We received updates from Major Road Projects Victoria regarding the progress and timeline for the duplication of the Forsyth Rd and Palmers Rd.
The Forsyth Road Interchange upgrade and the upgrade of Palmers Road are part of the Western Roads Upgrade. All works are progressing well, and the project is on track to be completed in early 2021.
Residents will notice significant improvements throughout 2020. The road resurfacing program will be completed in the middle of the year and Forsyth Rd will be open to traffic in the last quarter of 2020, with only minor works happening to complete the project.
Dunnings Rd and the southern part of Palmers Rd are already open to traffic with minor line marking and signage works continuing.
Visit website and interactive map for up to date information at https://roadprojects.vic.gov.au/projects/westernroadsupgrade