Smart City Strategy

The Smart City Strategy is a major initiative for FY2018/19 and was developed to help Wyndham grow as a smart, globally fluent and modern city.
The Smart City Office has led the development of the Smart City Strategy which was informed by an extensive period of stakeholder engagement between October and December 2018. Further public consultation for the Draft Smart City Strategy was held between 3 and 24 April 2019. This provided an opportunity for comment and feedback from a broad range of Wyndham’s community and external stakeholders including the Smart City Portfolio Committee.
The Smart City Strategy is part of Council’s vision for Wyndham to become a connected digital city, through leading edge technology, partnerships and data driven decision making. In short, this strategy defines how technology and innovation will positively shape our city.
In general, the consultation feedback was positive, however, much of the attention remained focused on road infrastructure and online services. This feedback highlighted the ongoing need to continually educate citizens, staff and business leaders about the opportunities offered by technology enabled innovation.
Following public consultation, it is now recommended the final Smart City Strategy attached be adopted.
Key Issues
- The Strategy has been updated in response to public consultation and is recommended for adoption.
- Due to the pace of change the Smart City Strategy will serve the community for five years, however, the Smart City Implementation Plan is targeted with a horizon of 24-30 months and an annual review
- The projects listed in the Smart City Implementation Plan range from small and medium cost projects to major initiatives.
- The general nature of the engagement feedback should be augmented by project level consultation, especially for initiatives in the implementation schedule that have strong community touchpoints.
That Council adopt and endorse Wyndham City Council’s first Smart City Strategy.
Crs Aaron An / Walter Villagonzalo
That Council adopt and endorse Wyndham City Council’s first Smart City Strategy.