Planning Permit Application WYP11645/19 - 2 Overton Road Williams Landing (Williams Landing Old Masters Site)

Tuesday, 17 December, 2019
Williams Landing Old Masters Site
Williams Landing Old Masters Site
Williams Landing Old Masters Site

Tonight, I’m speaking in favour of the officer’s recommendations to support this planning application.

As a resident who had lived in Melb CBD and Docklands for 10 years and has been researching this fast-growing area since 2007 and has been living in the suburb of Williams Landing since 2012. I think I’m a perfect person to speak on this.

Being one of the newer areas of the city, Williams Landing provides unique development opportunities in terms of combining residential areas with commercial precincts that not only provide local jobs but also improve liveability.

Council officers have done peer review and it supports the recommendation. It is clearly stated in tonight's agenda on page 30. We know that under Plan Melbourne 2017-2050, we should be planning for the 20-minute cities and I feel that this development meets this objective. There are at least two legal cases at VCAT support officers recommendation, and it is clearly stated on page 31.

Currently, some roads in and around Williams Landing are already quite congested during peak hours. Cars on Overton Road, from the current ACE car park to Forsyth Road, and sections of Palmers Road are already bumper to bumper during the evening peak hours. Therefore, we should not continue encouraging people to fully depend on cars.

As a Council, we should be facilitating development that will contribute to the city in terms of being able to access services close to home – and where possible, seek local employment.

This $341 million mixed-use development will deliver much needed economic uplift and improved liveability for our city.

This site is in a prime location for a development of this type and is within the Williams Landing Major Activity Centre. The site is of strategic prominence for our City given its gateway location and proximity to core transport networks.

This development demonstrated one way to support residents to be car independent. With shopping, education and work all integrated at one location and major public transport hub with stops for 6 bus routes connecting Point Cook and Truganina and a train station at the doorstep, it provides an opportunity for future residents in this area to be car independent.

For example, someone who studies at the proposed TAFE, or works in the proposed offices and shops could just live upstairs. This is one good example for creating a 20- or 30-mins smart neighbourhood, that most residents’ needs are within walking distance, thus residents who live in the apartments don’t have to depend on a car. This is particularly practical for young students, new migrates and grandparents of young families who don’t have or can’t drive a car.

It is important to note that car parking ratios are dependent on a range of factors that must be reasonably applied to promote the development of this nature. In this instance, where reductions have been applied, any material change in the use of the site that could impact on car parking will be subject to amendments to the permit.

If some people say public transport not servicing our residents well. Then this is exactly why we need this type of developments close to public transport hubs.

For concerns regarding car parking around the train station, I want to highlight it is a state government responsibility and council is working hard with the state government to build more car parking spaces at the existing 500 space public car park.

Council is also working hard on alternative transport, such as trackless trams. Residents can find more information on the Wyndham Urban Framework Plan which is available on the council’s community consultation platform – The Loop.

With a 30mins walking distance, this site could cover more than 10,000 residents. If we count bus routes, this number will increase even larger.

Therefore, I am pleased to support this application and importantly the 3,100 ongoing jobs it will generate in addition to a further 1,800 jobs resulting from the economic flow on and 270 full-time equivalent roles per annum during the construction phase.

For those who have concerns about road congestion and car parking, I urge them to help to build the much-needed Williams Landing school, with a local school, hundreds if not thousands of families could walk, ride or use public transport to get to this school. Thus, reduce the number of cars on the road and the no. of required car parks around train stations.



That Council resolves to issue a Planning Permit for the Staged Buildings and Works for Mixed Use Building, use of the land for Child Care Centre and a reduction in car parking requirements at 2 Overton Road Williams Landing subject to the following conditions: (Read Conditions Here)

How each Councillor voted on this Motion.

Councillor Aaron An
Councillor Henry Barlow
Councillor Josh Gilligan
Councillor Intaj Khan
Councillor Peter Maynard
Councillor Kim McAliney
Councillor Mia Shaw
Councillor Walter Villagonzalo
Councillor Tony Hooper
Total (8) Total (1)

Following the Division the motion was confirmed as CARRIED.

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