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Support Draft Wyndham Pedestrian and Cycle Strategy for public consultation

The vision of this Strategy is that Wyndham will have a pedestrian and cycle network that is accessible, integrated, comfortable, attractive and safer for people of all ages and abilities. In doing so the Strategy will provide the Council with a strategic direction for pedestrian and cycle network planning, infrastructure provision, and education, to meet the needs of the community and deliver on the vision.
Citizens use transport networks to access employment, education and social opportunities as well as access a wide variety of services and almost all these trips include a walking component.
Walking and cycling are often the fastest modes of transport for short trips in congested urban areas and an effective way to improve health, reduce carbon emissions and save on transport costs.
As stated in the report: “There is good potential for walking to become a more popular form of transport in Wyndham due to the relatively flat topography, suitable climate, and proximity to public transport hubs and activity centres.” And I believe for Wyndham to become a 20 mins smart city, this walking and cycling component is really important.
Madam Mayor, I think this is a very good start and I support officer’s recommendation: That Council endorse this draft strategy for public consultation and I’m really looking forward to hearing the community’s feedback. Thanks.