Support Notice of Motion 582 - Point Cook Rd and Sneydes Rd Intersection Signalisation

This intersection is heavily used by Point Cook residents. Particularly those residents who live in surrounding estates, these include but not limited to Saltwater Coast estate, Life estate, The Address estate, Lincoln Heath estate, Alamanda estate (the list goes on).
Most of the time when I meet with Point Cook residents to discuss local issues, I hear concerns about this intersection.
The signalisation of this intersection is long overdue. I feel it personally and deeply. I still remember that more than 10 years ago when Alamanda estate just started, I visited there and drove past this intersection, and I already feel dangerous at that time.
As mentioned by my fellow councillors, the council has continued to lobby the State Government for funds to be committed to this important project.
And I strongly support this motion put forward by Cr Kim McAliney that Council writes to the relevant ministers seeking a commitment to fund this important portion of work as soon as possible.
Thank you.