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Youth Detention Centre

I have been contacted by residents who are deeply concerned about the construction of a Youth Detention Centre in our city.
Residents have expressed dissatisfaction with having a correctional facility close to their homes, and I share these concerns.
I have also been contacted by multicultural stakeholders who believe the development of this type could negatively impact Wyndham's reputation overseas.
We know the importance of attracting investment to our city, both local and international, and I would not want to see this compromised by constructing a youth detention centre.
With the closure of the Toyota and Ford plants - we desperately need more local jobs, and the youth detention centre could disrupt plans or the positive development of the East Werribee Employment Precinct.
I support the council's recommendation put before us tonight.
That Council take the following interim position in relation to the building of a high security Youth Detention Facility:
- Note the community concern expressed regarding the location of a high security Youth Detention Facility in Werribee South
- Note the significant work and investment that the Council and community has made to secure Wyndham’s prosperity, sustainability and liveability
- Oppose the building of a high security Youth Detention Facility in Werribee South in principle on social, economic and environmental grounds
- Advocate for a full and transparent planning assessment of the site selection including detailed and thorough community consultation and evaluation
- Continue to advocate for State Government investment in infrastructure and services that have been identified and planned by Council and the community to meet the growing needs of the Wyndham community
- Seek ongoing meetings with State Members of Parliament regarding Council’s concerns and to advocate on behalf of the community.