Friday, 17 May, 2019
Wyndham City took away a top award at the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia awards last week (9th May). Wyndham City’s Smart City portfolio holder Cr Aaron An said he felt proud that Council’s Capital Works Digital Dashboard won the prestigious Excellence in Innovation Award. “I...
Service and Asset Policy and Framework
Tuesday, 7 May, 2019
I’m pleased to speak in support of the recommendation to adopt the Service and Asset Policy and Framework This is an important strategic document for Council that will set us on the path to continuing to deliver public value to our community. As we see more and more people making Wyndham home, we...
Draft Smart City Strategy Released
Wednesday, 3 April, 2019
Traffic lights that can regulate traffic flow in response to real-time demand and using sensors to predict when drains need maintaining could be on the cards for Wyndham under a new plan to transform the municipality into a leading smart city. The Draft Smart City Strategy aims to use technology to...
Draft Smart City Strategy for Public Exhibition
Tuesday, 2 April, 2019
I'm pleased to support the motion to endorse the release of the draft Smart City Strategy for public exhibition and feedback from 2 April to 23 April. Along with residents and business owners, I encourage all from our community networks across the City to review and comment on the strategy before...
Wyndham City to develop smart city blueprint
Monday, 5 November, 2018
Greater Melbourne’s Wyndham City Council has launched an initiative to develop a blueprint for transitioning into a smart city.
IoT sensor networks creating smart cities
Monday, 3 December, 2018
A rapidly growing population has led a council in Melbourne’s west to use new real-time data and smart devices to respond to challenges on services and infrastructure. Wyndham City Council has taken the next step in its commitment to being a ‘smart city’, launching a new Internet of Things (IoT) sensor network.
Wyndham (VIC) en route to deploy City wide IoT solutions
Wednesday, 26 September, 2018
The City of Wyndham is a suburb (Correction: Wyndham is a municipality in the state of Victoria, not a suburb) located on the western edge of Melbourne (Victoria state, Australia) that has
IoT sensor networks creating smart cities
Wednesday, 21 November, 2018
A rapidly growing population has led a council in Melbourne’s west to use new real-time data and smart devices to respond to challenges on services and infrastructure.
Wyndham’s Future City Strategy, Shaping A Smarter Wyndham
Thursday, 25 October, 2018
A new initiative to map out how Wyndham City will use new and innovative digital technologies into the future has been launched. The Future City Strategy will be a blueprint for how Wyndham City will continue to use technology and data in our bid to be a Smart City. The first step in developing...
Smart city is streets ahead
Wednesday, 19 July, 2017
Imagine being able to walk through Werribee’s CBD and seeing all the developments that are planned for the area. At Wyndham council, it’s as simple as popping on a headset.